A Sweet Lady Who Shared Her Cake Pans 7-25-13

All of us here at CfC, send our heart felt 'thanks' to Carole of Sonoita, AZ.  Carole made a generous in-kind donation of her cake pans to help us with our mission.  Carole told our volunteers, Rene' and Terrill, when they made the 1 hour drive to pick up the cake pans, the most interesting story or what we like to call the 'CfC way' as it always works out and is meant to be. Carole is downsizing her house stuff and no longer bakes and decorates cakes.  She turned her TV on so that her dogs had some entertainment while she was out in her shed working on downsizing.  While she was out there she came across her two big boxes of cake pans and was wondering what she…
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A Young Man, Cupcakes, and Asking a Young Lady to the Prom

Uncategorized, Update
This is Matt (young man in the middle of the first picture). Matt's girlfriend's favorite flower is the sunflower. Matt watched our sunflower cupcake making video 3-4 times and then made his girlfriend cupcakes to ask her to the prom (he piped the words 'Prom, ?, and a heart shape on top of the cupcakes to ask her!). To make it even more sweet, Matt is a competitive high school swimmer, who sometimes trains with Matt Grevers (6 time Olympic Medalist--far right in first picture), and Matt G. helped Matt present the cupcakes to his girlfriend!!!! She said YES and they are going to the prom!!  This is so heart warming to see what sugar art outreach and teaching can lead to!! Food is love, people! Yeas for Matt and…
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You’ve Been Caked! For Your Kindness August 15, 2012 Diamond Children’s Child Life Specialists

Our August recipients of the "You've Been Caked! For Your Kindness" are the child life specialists at the Diamond Children's Medical Center at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ.  The ladies on this team take care of and comfort critically ill children that are hospitalized in their facility.  But what we have noticed over the past 6 months that we have worked with these ladies (we provide birthday cakes for the chronically ill children) is that they go above and beyond their assigned duties.  Their care of these children continues outside of the hospital.  They will drive on their own time and dime to pick up a cake for a child, organize and order that special cake for that little one, and are always calming and uplifting to the…
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Belle’s Birthday Diamond Children’s Center 7-14-12

Today was a very special day for me.  It was my turn on the Diamond Team rotation to make a special birthday cake for a hospitalized little one.  I am always excited when it is my turn!  And I know this is also the case with the other 4 women on our team.  Diamond contacted us early in the week requesting a birthday day cake for Belle whose birthday was on Saturday (7/14/12).  Belle requested a funfetti cake with a pink unicorn theme.  I also learned that Belle likes raspberries so I chose to use that as the filling. I was then contacted again by the Diamond Center because Belle received good news that she was being released from the hospital at the end of the week so I was…
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Chefs Schedule at Home Show-Tucson Convention Center 7/13; 7/14; and 7/15/12

We will be featured on Saturday from 3-4 pm in the Chef Series. Please come to the main stage and watch a cake decorating demo by our own Liz! The Chef Series hosted by our Chef Barry Infuso will run both Friday and Saturday. I've posted the line up below. Thank you!  We will also have our own booth (1023) so please stop by and say 'Hello'!  We'd love to see you! Friday @ noon: Chef Mario De Sandy Diaz from Pima Community College Summer Gazpacho Friday @ 1 pm: Craig Nassar of Practical Chef – Summer Coolers Friday @ 2 pm Chef Odell Baskerville The Hilton El Conquistador Country Club Summer Tostadas Friday @ 3 pm, Chef Jan Osipowicz Hilton El Conquistador will prepare Trout & Quinoa Salad Friday…
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