A Sweet Lady Who Shared Her Cake Pans 7-25-13
All of us here at CfC, send our heart felt 'thanks' to Carole of Sonoita, AZ. Carole made a generous in-kind donation of her cake pans to help us with our mission. Carole told our volunteers, Rene' and Terrill, when they made the 1 hour drive to pick up the cake pans, the most interesting story or what we like to call the 'CfC way' as it always works out and is meant to be. Carole is downsizing her house stuff and no longer bakes and decorates cakes. She turned her TV on so that her dogs had some entertainment while she was out in her shed working on downsizing. While she was out there she came across her two big boxes of cake pans and was wondering what she…