
Get Involved

We are currently supported solely through community donations.  An event can cost us almost $100 in materials alone.  No one is getting paid and administrative costs such as rent, utilities, and transportation are in addition to that number.   No amount of support is insignificant.

We are actively seeking sponsorship so if you represent an organization that would like to support us in our mission, please contact us.

Here are a few ways you can help:

Donate via Paypal:

Time: Volunteer for upcoming events. You do not need to be a baker as there are always other tasks of which we could use assistance. – Join our mailing list for future project information.

In-kind donations: Baking supplies, equipment and appliances, office supplies, and gas cards.

If you’re interested in being one of our bakers, we’d love to have you on the team! Go here for exam schedules and registration forms to start the process of getting your Pima County food certification (which allows you to bake in a non-commercial kitchen in Arizona).