“Handidogs Dogtober Fest 10-28-12. Handidogs, service dog organization, held a fundraiser called ‘Dogtober Fest’ and we were there with both human cupcakes and freshly baked dog treats. Thank you to our Miss @[1671130412:2048:Jeanne] who was our lead on this. Thank you to our bakers, Jeanne, Candy (@[100000446937231:2048:Candyce]), @[1674173162:2048:Jessica], and Rene’. Thank you to our baker’s assistants, @[504085838:2048:Carrie], @[1646565897:2048:Tanya], and @[741737338:2048:Mia]. Thank you to our booth ‘workers’, Jeanne, Mia, Carrie, and @[1091645193:2048:Terrill]. And thank you to all of the wonderful people that we met!”
From HandiDogs Dogtober Fest 10-28-12. Posted by Cakes For Causes on 10/28/2012 (38 items)
- Jeanne doing her wonderful ‘directing’ of booth set up :-).
- Cathy and Brandt, our booth neighbors from Catalina Pet Hospital. Catalina has spons…
- Jeanne, Mia, and Terrill having a ‘booth meeting’ :-).
- Cute little one stopping to get a drink of water.
- Black forest cupcake made by our Miss Jeanne.
- Apple cinnamon crumble cake made by our Miss Jessica and Miss Tanya.
- Spice cake with an almond buttercream made by our Miss Jeanne.
- Peach bellini cupcake made by our Miss Jeanne.
- German chocolate cupcake made by our Miss Candy (Candyce) and Miss Carrie.
- The human cupcake ‘line up’ :-).
- Home made Pumpkin Dog Biscuits made by our Miss Mia.
- Pumpkin dog biscuits made by our Miss Mia.
- Honey Basscottie made by our Miss Rita.
- Chicken soup bones made by our Miss Rene and Miss Carrie.
- A beautiful Greyhound enjoying one of our treats.
- How cute!!
- Our booth neighbor, the pirate, arrrghhhhh :-).
- Pumpkin, Honey Basscotti, and Chicken Soup Bone treats for the dogs.
- 20 Dozen cupcakes all packaged and boxed, ready to be given out. 🙂
- 5 yummy selections to choose from.
- "She should have this one". "No, I think she should try THIS one"…
- Mmmmmm, that was scrumptious!
- This one was dressed up as a hot dog!
- Rene made friends with this adorable little one!
- Look…it’s a bee!
- A cute little pirate.
- Wonder what was in the keg?
- Believe it or not, these two were not together.
- Awwww, the prettiest little Sheltie!
- Loves this guys perky ears!
- I laugh every time I look at this…so cute! 😀
- Beauuuutiful eyes, and a great big smile.
- Gorgeous breed. English wolf hound, yes?
- A witch hound.
- As the owner said, "it’s not everyday you see a purple dog!"
- …or a pink one!
- A cute little basset puppy. 🙂
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