“We provided brownies shaped like puzzle pieces to the participants of @[289907478444:274:Cyclovia Tucson] to promote sense of community and sharing. The theme was to meet a new person on the journey, most folks rode bikes, so our puzzle and brownie sharing was the way we wanted to promote their theme. Sharing is Sweet! @[1674173162:2048:Jessica], @[1671130412:2048:Jeanne], @[1664340431:2048:Rita], and Jess (@[100002973668126:2048:Missez Sweetness]) baked over 1,700 brownie puzzle pieces! Jeanne, @[1091645193:2048:Terrill], @[10115966:2048:Isela], @[100000549493870:2048:Chris], @[639446827:2048:Alicia], Rita, and @[1458997155:2048:Charlyn] spent the day serving the folks along the route. 4/28/2013”
From Cyclovia Tucson 4/28/2013. Posted by Cakes For Causes on 4/29/2013 (32 items)
- Our puzzle shaped brownies, because we are all a piece of the puzzle that makes our T…
- Jeanne in her natural environment 🙂
- Izzy and Chris ready to start handing out brownies
- Charlyn, Chris, Isela, Rita, and Jeanne getting ready to flag down cyclists
- Alicia, Isela, Chris, and Rita testing the puzzle
- Let the fun begin!!
- Few can resist the draw of the free brownie
- Jeanne and Janet
- Our board promoting a sense of community with the picture of the puzzle….cupcakes o…
- Working on our ‘community’ puzzle
- What an awesome ride!!
- We were across from the black board with the question, "The last time a stranger…
- We had treats for our four legged community members too.
- ….so cool.
- This just tickled us pink!!! Written on the "last time a stranger helped me…&…
- A chalkboard where participants could write about a stranger helping them.
- This lady was all blinged out in pink and sparkles!
- Recognize this couple? They were the lucky recipients of the top tier of our El Tour…
- Saved the day by handing out free lemonade, sun tea and water. Thanks guys!!
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