“@[112021498887865:274:Ben’s Bells Project] celebrated their 10th Anniversary on 4/20/13 and our Miss Cece, Candy, Amber, Jessica, and Annie, made dozens of treats to make their celebration even sweeter!”
From Ben’s Bells 10th Anniversary 4/20/13. Posted by Cakes For Causes on 4/22/2013 (10 items)
- ‘Be Kind’ logo cupcakes made by our Miss Amber. Ben’s Bells Project celebrated their…
- ‘Be Kind’ logo cupcakes made by our Miss Annie. Ben’s Bells Project celebrated their…
- ‘Be Kind’ logo cupcakes made by our Miss Candy. Ben’s Bells Project celebrated their…
- Chocolate crinkle and funfetti cookies made by our Miss Jessica. Ben’s Bells Project…
- Sugar cookies modeled after the Ben’s Bells themselves made by our Miss Amber. Ben’s…
- Collage of the sweet treats including the celebration cake made by our Miss Cece and …
- Ben’s Bells Project celebrated their 10th Anniversary on 4/20/13 and our Miss Cece, C…
- Ben’s Bells Project celebrated their 10th Anniversary on 4/20/13 and our Miss Cece, C…
- Ben’s Bells Project celebrated their 10th Anniversary on 4/20/13 and our Miss Cece, C…
- Ben’s Bells Project celebrated their 10th Anniversary on 4/20/13 and our Miss Cece, C…
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