Click Here for our request form.
We would love to bake for you!
To get involved and/or volunteer with Cakes for Causes, please contact us!
We would love to have you!
Want to bake something yummy yourself? Visit our Recipes page for some delicious treats!
Frequently Asked Questions
To maintain our tax-exempt status, we can only work through the representative of another tax-exempt (501(c)(3)) organization. For example, you’re from a non-501(c)(3) organization or are an individual who is putting together a fundraiser for a 501(c)(3) organization. We would need to attach our work via the 501(c)(3) beneficiary of the event.
If you’re unsure of how this works please feel free to contact us.
Other Eligibility Requirements
See above. If you can meet our 501(c)(3) requirement in some manner you don’t have to rescue a certain animal breed, don’t need a certain degree of illness nor specific type of illness, don’t have to support a particular branch of the military, nor do we have an age limit. We’re just members of the community supporting those who selflessly assist others.
Even if eligible there could be instances where we just don’t have the funding or can’t assemble the baker power in time for the event. Fortunately we haven’t run into such situations yet.
Lead Time
More is always better but contact us anyhow. We’d prefer a month as that is typically sufficient for us to round up the troops, plan it out, and sell a kidney on Ebay to fund it*
* Just joking on the kidney thing.
Contract Work
However if you’re ineligible to benefit from Cakes for Causes and you’d still wish to employ a particular service or product still contact us. Most of our volunteers do have their own businesses and we will put you in touch to work directly with one of them.
The baked goods or training are provided at no cost. If you wish for us to serve at your event we ask that you provide any of the required permits or cover the cost if we file it for you. A tax-deductible donation would be most appreciated but in no way is that a requirement for current or future requests.
Where is your shop?
We’re focusing our limited funds on fulfilling our mission so we don’t have a business location. Donations of space are welcome!
How do you keep functioning?
Everyone in Cakes for Causes is a volunteer. We are extremely grateful to those organizations and individuals who support us with what they can but we do run pretty lean. Any funding shortfall is picked up out of the pockets of the volunteers who are passionate about our mission. The lead time requirement is mostly to help coordinate volunteer work schedules.
Is it alright to mention Cakes for Causes on our website, Facebook page, in an interview or in our newsletters/mailings?
Yes, please do!!
I have all this money and I am looking for a tax shelter. Can I support Cakes for Causes outright or a particular type of project?
Ok, not that anyone actually says that but we would welcome sponsorship overall or backing on a specific class of projects (e.g. animal rescues, cake decorating for assisted living, etc).
Partnerships or chapters
Currently we don’t have the funding or the administrative infrastructure for such expansion. Let us know what you have in mind and we might be able to work something out if not for now then possibly in the future.